Cynthia Trombino has always found inspiration in nature, but more recently she is also inspired by the work of her son Logan, who passed away in 2018. Logan Ghormley was a glass blowing artist who also created sculptures of wire and glass. For years, Cindy watched him develop his passion and create his art.
Cindy now creates wire and glass sculptures and jewelry using the same wire techniques and fused dichroic glass that Logan used. She also enjoys collaboration with her late son by utilizing his art glass and broken glass pieces in new artwork. Logan was attuned to the patterns in nature and opened Cindy’s eyes to look for them. Her paintings and altered photographs are also created with an emphasis on the patterns found in nature.
Logan Ghormley’s art includes furnace blown glass, some into wire, as well as lampworking and mixed media. Working in glass brought him memories of collecting sunstones and jelly opals as a youngster with his family in Oregon. Logan said that “the shine of glass reminds me of the rocks, but glass blowing allows me to manipulate shapes and patterns.”