Advanced Pour-Painting Workshop – Fluid Acrylic Embellishment – Friday April 4, 2025 – 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Terri Miller’s advanced First Friday Fluids workshops provide an informal forum for sharing ideas, getting creative and learning new tips & tricks for working with fluid acrylics.
PLEASE NOTE: To participate in advanced workshops, artists must first take part in one of Terri’s “Intro to Pour Painting” classes or demos, or have prior experience with fluid acrylic, alcohol ink or liquid acrylic marbling.
In “Fluid Acrylic Embellishment” we’ll use a variety of tools and techniques to turn your freshly poured painting into an impressionistic landscape! The process is not only fun, but the unpredictability is exciting and somehow therapeutic.
Date: Friday April 4, 2025 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm
Fee: $50 per person includes all paint & supplies for three paintings.
Optional but Recommended:
1) Wear old clothes (including shoes!) and/or bring an apron.
2) Acrylics dry fast, but fluids take longer. To carry your wet artwork home, bring a large disposable aluminum tray or cardboard box for the car.
3) If there’s a special color you love to work with, feel free to bring your own acrylic paint. Tubes, bottles or jars will all work fine.
Ready for try fluid acrylics for the first time?
Watch for Terri’s “Intro to Pour Painting” classes, held regularly at the Antioch Art Center. For details or questions please email Terri at millerism@sbcglobal.net.
Class size is limited to six people so register early!
To reserve your spot visit the gallery or call 847.838.2274.
We open at noon on Wednesday, Thursday & Friday and at 10am on Saturday & Sunday.